We are with GAZA

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  • ID: 7375633
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This Group was created on Nov. 2009. We are trying to increase the awareness globally about the situation of Gaza. Gaza is suffering from a harsh siege for 2 years... This siege has caused a lot of pain to the Palestinian people who live in the Gaza strip, people around the world have started to see the truth about this siege and the situation of Gaza, especially after the Israeli war on Gaza. Currently this group will the largest group on vkontakte to End the siege on Gaza, i really hope that everyone can invite their friends to join... DO SMTH FOR GAZA... DEMONSTRATE UKRAINE, thnx http://www.endtheoccupation.org/article.php?id=1773 updated Send B Obama (comments@whitehouse.gov) some ideas: (need US zipcode) http://change.gov/page/s/ofthepeople VIVA PALESTINA = Aid Convoy To Gaza (see Events) or http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=57553768486 UKRAINE DEMONSTRATE FOR GAZA Valentine's Day Demo Against Carmel Agrexco Don't Flirt with Israeli Apartheid: BOYCOTT ISRAELI GOODS. Part of BIG Valentine Flowers Campaign. Location: Agrexco HQ/Depot, Swallowfield Way, Hayes, Middlesex [Latest & or More info:- http://www.palestinecampaign.org/index2b.asp or http://stopwar.org.uk/index.php? London Live: http://www.gazaprotest.org/ ANY LONDONERS?? Vigil for Gaza A non-stop vigil opposite the UK Parliament to call for an immediate end to Israel's military assault on Gaza and an end to the blockade and siege on Gaza. Supported by the PSC. Join the vigil in Parliament Square, London. http://www.vigilforgaza.net/ from 15 January 2009 IHRC will begin a round the clock vigil outside the London Israeli embassy expressing solidarity with the besieged Gazans. A regularly updated blog is available here: http://247gazavigil.blogspot.com/ Join the wave of university occupations in solidarity with the people of Gaza There is currently a significant wave of student occupations of university buildings taking place in solidarity with the people of Gaza. There are at least eleven of these occupations that I know of already, and more on the cards. See below for links to the blogs that these occupations have set up, as well as photos and video footage. http://tinyurl.com/b6tdch Name and shame British “Friends of Israel” By Redress Information & Analysis http://www.redress.cc/global/redress20090119 FOREIGN OFFICE MINISTERS & UK All Party MP Friends of Palestine contact email addresses:- http://tinyurl.com/8hvuvj MEDIA (ACTION) ALERT AN EYE FOR AN EYELASH: THE GAZA MASSACRE - http://www.medialens.org/alerts/index.php (Some handy email addresses for UK media, scroll down) AUSTRALIA http://www.solidarity.net.au/active/rallies-for-gaza/ GLOBAL Message Obama Our Goal is that by January 20th, 200,000 Cease Fire Now messages from all over the world will be emailed to President Obama. http://ceasefirenow.org/ Amnesty International: Tell Congress to Act on Gaza Don't need to be US citz — Each day that passes guarantees more innocent civilians will suffer. Tell Congress to act swiftly to help more humanitarian aid and workers enter Gaza and to suspend all transfers of weapons to Israel. http://tinyurl.com/7yw4k8 NO MORE BLANK CHECK FOR ISRAEL! Plz Sign.. Campaign for Peace and Democracy sign-on statement. massive military attacks on Gaza, Israel has again engaged in actions contrary to morality, international law, the cause of peace, and to the long-term best interests of the people of Israel. And, once again, the UKRAINE go .╔═════════════╗. ║ INVITE YOUR FRIENDS ║ .╚═════════════╝.