Sei Nutrition

  • Подписчики: 52 подписчиков
  • ID: 105242788
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Sei Pharmaceuticals – обладает сертификатом стандарт GMP. Занимается разработкой и производством специализированных продуктов для спортсменов, БАД, готовых энергетических напитков. Sei Pharmaceuticals работает с ведущими мировыми поставщиками сырья и в своей команде имеет именитых мировых диетологов, которые занимаются разработкой инновационных продуктов. Все продукты произведены и упакованы в учреждениях Соединенных Штатов Америки в соответствии с самыми строгими стандартами производства в мире. Исключительно высокие стандарты выбора сырья, четкие производственные процессы и абсолютная стерильность, дает гарантию качества. ============================ Преимущества по работе с Sei nutrition: 1. Склад в Москве с постоянным ассортиментом и не снижаемым остатком; 2. Оперативная отгрузка по всей территории Таможенного Союза; 3. Рекламная поддержка бренда и дилеров; 4. Гибкая ценовая политика и условия оплаты; 5. Полный комплект СГР и этикеток на русском языке. ============================ Присылайте Ваши заказы, по адресу: тел.: +7 (499) 995-01-66 ============================ Каталог: Sei nutrtion MAX PROEIN - Sei nutrtion MAX MASS - Sei nutrtion Exelean - Sei nutrtion Ultralean - Sei nutrtion Creadrol_HCL_CR_ - Sei nutrtion MAX_CREATINE - Sei nutrtion Thermbuterol_HC - Sei nutrtion ReFUEL-RSQ - Sei nutrtion DreamLean - Sei nutrtion Nitrodrol_HCL_NO - NVE Pharmaceuticals developed Stacker 2 approximately 15 years ago for bodybuilders as an effective herbal alternative to the practice of "stacking". "Stacking" was what bodybuilders routinely engaged in by stacking and ingesting Ephedrene HCL, caffeine and aspirin to give them extra energy for work outs as well as acquire a lean cut look before competitive shows. Through extensive research and following numerous documented studies, NVE determined that by standardizing herbal extracts, the desired results and look sought by body builders could be achieved. These results included extra energy, increased fat burning and diminishing food cravings between meals. Through the years, body builders began relying on the herbal components and recommended them to their friends and family for weight control. The desire for these herbal weight loss products developed nationally, and Stacker 2 "The Worlds Strongest Fat Burner" was born. First placed in the convenience store market, Stacker 2 quickly expanded across the country in drug stores and mass market sales as well. To date, NVE Pharmaceuticals is a leader in manufacturing herbal dietary supplements that have helped consumers with their diet and energy needs. NVE Pharmaceuticals, the Diet & Energy Specialists, continue to expand their reach into cutting edge research, development and private label manufacturing. Nationally known Stacker 2 and Stacker 3 commands a very strong and reliable presence in the market place today. Time proven success stories and exceptional manufacturing have been the cornerstone of the company. With the addition of the new Stacker 2 Extreme Energy Shots, Real 2-Way Action (a proprietary hardcore thermogenic fat burner and intense energizer) as well as numerous other soon to be announced products, the Stacker 2 legacy will continue.